Friday 24 February 2017

Foreign entrepreneurs taste initial success through New York's Innovators visa program

With the ever increasing difficulty of being selected in the H-1B program, many US universities are developing their own gateway to help foreign workers obtain a visa and invest in the US. The City University of New York (CUNY) schools, for instance, created the International Innovators Initiative (IN2NYC) last year for the same purpose. After less than a year, two from its initial beneficiaries are now setting up their respective businesses in the city. The first one is Hungarian firm Dartboard, which would commence its operations by helping the students of La Guardia Community College on Long Island manage their student loans. Indian website Mogul, the second one, is set to mentor the students of City College of New York’s Zahn Innovation Center this year. The CUNY's unique visa gateway program successfully enables entrepreneurs to qualify for cap-exempt H-1B visas, while contributing to the central mission of a particular community or institution. In this case, it took sincere dedication from the CUNY end to utilize such a partnership. Indeed, the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) will have to monitor these chosen firms as they juggle with developing their respective businesses and helping the community. In the end, this will benefit not only the companies, but also the students, and eventually the city. These firms are expected to set up training programs, research, mentoring programs, and, ultimately, hiring, as the program's primary goal is to expand. However, what the country needs is to see the International Entrepreneurship Rule as a law. With this, foreign entrepreneurs can now become eligible for a two-year entrepreneur visa if they can prove their company’s potential to deliver growth, create jobs for more US citizens, and contribute to the country’s economy. Talk to one of our migration lawyers for further clarifications and updates on US immigration laws. You can also take our free online assessment to see if you are eligible to apply for an H-1B Visa to the US.

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